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Another Ludum Dare Challenge! by Cowboypunk

Just ended the frantic, sleepless three day workfest that is Ludum Jam. We had a team of 6 people and while I think we could very well have accomplished this one, we had a lot of major technical problems (like our main engineer's computer dying, and our SVN files being corrupted on multiple occasions by a bad update). I have no idea what the status is on the final game, but I'm too tired to care much right now.

We still made a nifty little game and I'm hoping to clean it up later so people can at least play what bit we made without issue. It's a platformer maze full of traps and bears in a dark cave. You have a torch to light your way, but if it runs out you'll have to be wandering in the dark. The theme was "You only get one", which we followed by making the game playable only once. If you die, you are able to play again, but only in a multilayer format as a ghost haunting the cave. You can watch and scare/interact with another player try to find their way through the map. I've kept updates and art and build progress on my art studio's new blog and twitter:

Another Ludum Dare Challenge!


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  • Link

    That sounds pretty awesome tbh.

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      Thanks! :D Once I get an actual link the to game, I'll post it up here. I'm fairly certain a host of features weren't able to get in simply because the cartoonish number of issues we ran into, though :T