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Username switch by Meora Hedva

Hi there !

As you can see, I asked for a switch for my username. I just want to separate my professional accounts and to feel free to post what I want here . (Or just talking of what I want without thinking about "oh shit, if a customer see this ! :O")

So i'm still the dragoness Rubis Firenos for you,

but I'm Meora Hedva too, my owl fursona/avian. :)

You can call me Rubis or Meora, sames for me !

Thanks to Weasyl team for quickly answered to my request ! I'm so happy to find a very motivate team here !

Fluffy feathered cuddles to you all !

Username switch

Meora Hedva

Journal Information



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    Someone on tumblr suggested this to me but I already made my new account and began uploading 8( I might see if they can just delete the old account so it doesn't take up space..

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      I think they will delete the account without any problem ! :) But yes, it's easy to ask something here, the team is so cool !

      You have a lot moved those last times, FA and Weasyl, so much works ! <3

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        Yes! The admins are very responsive here it seems.

        I didn't transfer my entire gallery here at least; just some of my favorites / people's favorites. :3 The move on FA though was a different story, and there are artists who have a much bigger gallery than mine who switch accounts! I don't know how they do it.

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    Haha comme ça je ne penserai plus, mal réveillé, "oh, Rubis Firenos, tiens c'est marrant ses dessins ressemblent vachement à ceux de Meora......waitaminute*"

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      Hé vui, je suis simplement la même personne . :)

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    Possibly helpful tools for you! Waxpost, for crosspost purposes to find friends/followers here!


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      Thank you. :) I alrealy used the tool to find friends and followers here !