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Uploadin' junk by Nommz

With FA down I don't have something to idly do to waste time, so I figure I'll start crossposting stuff here to keep updated now that I've gotten this really rad chrome extension:

The reason I stopped crossposting here and to SoFurry was really because I am extremely lazy and it took a lot of effort when the majority of viewers were on FA anyway. There are very few that watch me here that didn't initially find me on FA. Now that I've gotten that lil extension life is ten bazillion times easier!

That said, there might be some remnants of the old descriptions that I won't fix because lazy. If you're using Weasyl and I didn't fix the tag don't hate meh! Also ignore the F5 things if I still leave that in there, Weasyl is actually capable of displaying uploads properly the first time around.

That said, Weasyl is definitely getting my character gallery as soon as I finish the drawings for them! I have so many characters, I like the fact that there's a whole separate section for them haha.

Uploadin' junk


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    That extension looks really handy to have. Does it work in vice versa from FA to other sites? I mostly post on there since that's where I spend majority of my time but it would be nice to populate my galleries else where.

    • Link

      Nah, it only crossposts from other sites to Weasyl. Maybe someday someone will make something similar for other sites!