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Eeeeeee, more people! by Amber-Aria

Whoa, I pop back onto Weasyl to check things, and realize that I got like... eight new followers! That's nuts! And that's also considering that I've been pretty quiet posting wise on here as of late. Thank you guys so much for following me, by the way. Every follow is appreciated! ♥

Though, I think it's because of the SOFT tool becoming a known thing because of the FA outage and Dragoneer's twitter. I didn't even know this nifty little thing existed, and it's so useful! Got to fill out my followed list a little more, and remembered to throw a couple more things onto my Weasyl gallery so that everyone knows I'm still alive. x3 Gosh, I really should use this website more often than I have... I frequent FA for its size, but this website has always felt nicer. Nice to see it getting some more attention~

University's almost done, so expect some more frequent updates soon, as well as a big commission update!

Eeeeeee, more people!


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    Fender Bender is pretty nifty, helped me find all the folks from FA on here in a couple of minutes.

    If only there was a way to image dump a ton of files: I think that's the most annoying part for artists with a large body of work. Love your TF's btw!

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      Yeah, a bulk uploader would be nice for folks. Even better would be the ability to do it in a way so that they wouldn't necessarily appear under the browse section or anything like that, if they wanted to just update their gallery with all of their older material. I've been debating how much of my older works I want to upload to Weasyl, or if I just want to stick with showing off my newer stuff. I kinda feel my style's changed too much in some ways for me to feel necessarily proud re-uploading older things from FA, such as my 100 Sketch Challenge works... x3;; Though, is it better to have a full gallery or an updated one?

      Also thank you! ❤ Hoping to do some more TF work once my commission queue is cleared~

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        So a bit of info on that! There are a couple of bulk tools others have built for uploading. The biggest one so far is Waxpost, which is a Chrome plugin (available in the Chrome store). It lets you quick-post any submission from DA or FA onto Weasyl.

        The other note, is that the front page only displays three submissions from any given artist at a time, so artists can upload as much as they want without fear of flooding the front page. :)

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          Oh! I'd totally forgotten that there was a "floodproof" setup like that on Weasyl. And Waxpost sounds immensely helpful. I think this might make me okay with updating this site with my older material~ Thank you so much for the info!

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    Nice little tool there. Thanks for the heads-up on it. :)

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      Of course! Best to spread that sort of usefulness around. :3