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Ugh! Dogs! by Claw-MacKain

Recently I was looking into getting some dogs a few months back. I had found one in a neighboring town called Converse, where they had a very loving and sweet, though big, golden labrador girl named Sofia. The bad thing is that my application to adopt her fell through and she was adopted before I could reapply.

A few weeks later after that I checked with animal control of another neighboring town called Seguin. I got two girls that were german shepherd-labrador mixes that were in fact sisters to each other. The runt of the two my friend named Kida and the larger, then one I picked, I named Rokna. They were three months old at the time. And naturally being younger than Sofia was (Sofia being nine months old) these two were vastly disobedient and troublesome. My friend and I tried to teach them right from wrong while we watched over them over the following months, but lately since they've started staying outside now, they've regressed in their training... They both picked up bad behaviors from each other as well as the unruly dogs my neighbors have, wandering beyond property boundaries, tearing apart almost any paper, plastic, or cloth they could even after I told them it was wrong, and digging randomly for god knows why in random locations and for random depths! Just recently found two HUGE holes they dug in a half-assed attempt to escape from the pen I've been keeping them in for the night or I lock them up in when they misbehave. A blanket I've been providing them with to have something warm to lay on in the recent nights has been found this morning dragged across the dirt and torn in two! Even a dog carrier, one that I know could even support my own full weight easily, has been cracked and now is missing a part of it as of this morning due to them jumping up on top of it constantly in their foolish attempt to bark at my neighbor's own full grown pup that's more than 10 yards away despite me constantly yelling at them not to jump on it.

I'm so much at my wits end with them that after yelling at them for the broken carrier, the torn blanket, and the huge hole in the ground (all of which happened just today not more than an hour ago) I was so weakened by my enraged state that it took a lot of forcing myself to walk to even make it back inside. Even now sitting at the table, my back's straining to keep me sitting up and my arms ache every letter I type here... I'm totally fed up with these two. Sofia would've been a far better deal than these two brats, even if the shelter employees were worried for my cats due to the fact that Sofia killed her previous owners chickens, which is why she was in the shelter. A few weeks later, after getting Kida and Rokna already, I found out that labradors target birds because it's in their breed genetics... They were bred to hunt water fowl. So anything that is fowl-like in any way, IE. chickens, is going to be hunted by them. So my cats were most likely in the clear. But I'm so tired of constantly getting onto these two about their bad behavior and nothing even coming of it yet. And I've had them for months. They repeat their bad behavior like every single day... I'm not going to deal with it anymore. After Thanksgiving has come and gone I am taking them back to Seguin animal control and letting them handle them... I'm probably not going to get a dog again for years after this... I like dogs to a certain degree... German Shepherds and Labradors are some of my favorite... But after this, I don't care... No more dealing with dogs... I need to recover from this... I'm aching and I'm coughing from straining my voice at them every single day and them acting like a deaf 5 year old with ADHD... They don't listen at all... They just know that when I raise my voice, they're in trouble and they don't seem to put 2 and 2 together to figure out why...

Ugh! Dogs!


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