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Agenda 2013 - October to December by ProphetEKA

Previously on 'Agenda'

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July to September:

  • Plan out a new "HoA Presents!" book or just default to "Monster Girls" with a catchier title.
    Never did find a catchier title. -.-
  • Keep sketching.
  • Bring more sketches to completion.
  • Clear old business items (aka - Send off BtV Vol1 to Comixology SUBMIT, Get state tax ID, etc)
    Never did get around to this one.

Third quarter kinda' flew right by on me. I started out all set and getting things ready for a new book, then Poof! It's October and all I have done is a note on my whiteboard that read "Monster Girls but with a catchier title". Normally, the smartass in me would Jump at that title. Normally... Thankfully I remembered it's probably not the best title if I'm trying to do that whole "Make a Profit" thing. -.-

One good thing to come out of the past three months is I got to hit up a convention, meet some folks and clear my head a bit. The comic's been going well (though still a bit more sporadic than it should be) and have made some good progress on other projects so it's not a total bust.

One thing I absolutely need to do before this year is out is put together the next Biff book. I closed out my fifth strip book and that's always a good sign to stick stuff together into a book-type collection.

Side Note: I do feel kinda' bad that I don't post more journals here. Thing is it's one of the few places I'm at that give that outstanding option of saying I'm broadcasting without all the journal spam. = )


Basic vault rules apply:

Keep Moving Forward and Make a Profit

October to December:

  • Plan out Biff book.
  • Keep sketching.
  • Bring more sketches to completion.
  • Clear old business items (aka - Send off BtV Vol1 to Comixology SUBMIT, Get state tax ID, etc)

I'm going to focus on the business-based objective first. It's the most necessary and the one I tend to brush off the quickest. Best to get it out of the way first.

Agenda 2013 - October to December


Journal Information
