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No More Weekly Webcams for a While by VibrantEchoes

I think you guys probably already saw this one coming, but in case it wasn't obvious, I'm DEFINITELY not gonna be able to keep up with the weekly webcam anymore if I want to do well in school. Which I do.

I don't like to put everything on the back burner like this and quit so many things but if I want to keep my grades high enough to transfer next year and work on getting a degree in studio arts, this is what it's gonna take for a while. Next semester I'm only taking 3 classes, so maybe then I'll be able to do more in my free time, but until December 9, no weekly webcams, no let's plays (other than Bejeweled 3 which is being edited and uploaded on an “if I can, when I can” basis), and no OC asks. I won't be posting art or remixes that often either.

I hate that it's come to this, but that's just how it is. I'll TRY to update Keep Me Warm at least one page every other week or something but I just can't make any promises. Other than all my homework right now I have nice new remix thumbnails I'm trying to make, Bejeweled 3 videos to edit and upload, doodles to Photoshop, and a porn comic to work on. My schedule's freakin' BOOKED.

This also means I won't be opening commissions until at LEAST next semester, if I ever do decide to do that.

I shouldn't have to quit anything else for school but it's still early in the year. You never know. :/

No More Weekly Webcams for a While


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