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Seems I caught the virus now too by savageshark

Just wanted to give an update on things at my end.

For those who don't follow me on twitter ::

We found out around Thanksgiving my Dad tested positive for Covid. 
Just yesterday my Mom tested positive.
Now it's looking like I may have it too. Im going to see the Doctor about it today for testing and try the new medicine they have for it. I think it's called plexicovid?
They started it for my Dad and now my Mom's taking it. So I may end up using it too.

Today it's mild, just sore throat, with mild coughs and congestion. But I'm sure it'll kick up later in the coming days. Which means commission progress & secret santa works will be slowed down for the duration.
I'll try working on a few things today, get as much done as i am physically able to.

Suffice to say, this is going to be a delay on things. Sorry about that.  This is what happens when you dont get the 2nd booster.

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Seems I caught the virus now too


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  • Link

    sorry to hear about that, get well soon!

  • Link

    I hope you get well soon!