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August AMA/Q&A/TMI by Nomax

Hey everyone. August rolled around and so it's time for the tradition of opening a little question and answers journal.
So, any questions in here will be even more answered than i usually tend to answer questions already! Can of course be about anything, whether art related or not, serious or dumb, sfw or nsfw, furry or not, whatever.

And a question to anyone else. If you could change the months of a year all to one single month repeating over and over again, 12 times a year for forever. Which month would it be?
It would always be exactly that month. So for example december would have 12x christmas each year (if you are in a country that celebrates it) with possibly year round driving in the snow. July would have the peak of summer all year round etc.(Exception being everyone's birthday would still only be once a year)

August AMA/Q&A/TMI


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    I would pick a month in either the spring or the fall, probably April or October. I live where it can be 0 F / -18 C in the winter and 100 F / 38 C in the summer, so it'd be nice to have a month where it's something close to 70 F / 21 C most of the time, so I could go out and walk or ride my bike or whatever in good weather.

    I like April a little more because things are blooming and getting greener. October is well into the time when leaves are starting to fall and things outside look a little stark.

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      :D Pretty decent picks!

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    October year round, sometimes cool, sometimes warm, and those good old Halloween vibes

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    October for sure. The weather fluctuates just enough that we'd still have a bit of variance between summery warmth, autumn chill, and possibly even snow. And 12 Halloweens a year? Nothing could be more perfect.

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    If I could choose one month to repeat over and over, I wouldn't. I would refrain from exercising the power. Nothing is so good you can't get too much of it.