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If I write a one shot throwaway then it is at the city dump and these friends must investigate the plumbing. The DND spiral campaign is such. Warm up. Trash lit by cardiajohnscott

If I write a one shot throwaway then it is at the city dump and these friends must investigate the plumbing. The DND spiral campaign is such. Warm up. Trash literal.

The Adventurers are sent to the city dump to find out what is clogging the pipes and to clean up the mess because the city plumber says that it is plugged up. The mimics plugged it up. 
Apparently mimics were disguising themselves as or shapeshifters. Oooze. They are clogging up the dump. 

I do like mimics. I am inspired off of what the previous one shot I was a player of. 

These mimics want to disguise themselves as food to be eaten because they are lonely and want to feel useful and as such they really really want to feel a connection. Thus, the landlord and stuff that is happening with me or happened with me with toilet gurgling and not flusing well will be in the campaign. The plumber and such and the city.

The mimics want to feel connected. Not stupid. Mimic shapeshifter hybrids. one particular adventurer is some triton that thought a mimic was a chicken. There is a gnome there and an eagle person. There is a human and there's the mimic chicken ally. Thus.

Then they find a how shall you say entrance to the underground sewer also labyrinth catacombs Dungeon under a pile of garbage. Several chambers actually. Urban sorta. Junk, trash, and sewage all in one doesn't make sense but there it is. It has hazards of falling if unsecured but it will be ok otherwise.

They are also under the grim portent of a dragon, the storm dragon,. I think of the dragon brigade that wants it to be forever winter or storms and destruction or actually wants rain and thunder and well, the mimics aren't actually allies.

The third grim portent the front of the rainbow horse dragon want the color dragons to bring colors to the world at any cost.

Thus the garbage dump is of the storm dragon inquisitors.

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If I write a one shot throwaway then it is at the city dump and these friends must investigate the plumbing. The DND spiral campaign is such. Warm up. Trash lit


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