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Deleted Drawings by Kolik

I decided to remove four of my drawings from my gallery. They were VERY low quality, so I don't think anyone will miss them but I should at least explain why I did it.

As part of my newfound desire to get into visual art, I've had to grapple with the harsh truth that I'm very, very bad at it. I've been reading and writing for so long (and doing it decently well, in my opinion) that I had kind of forgotten what it felt like to be bad at something creative.

Being bad at a skill or task is easier to bear, I think, because there are hard metrics to measure yourself by. The iron never lies, so to speak: lifting 100lbs is always lifting 100lbs.

With art, I'm my own judge, and with drawing I'm definitely not qualified to judge anyone. It's an odd feeling.

I had noticed that seemed to be putting off drawing because I kept thinking "well, it's not like I'm going to make anything that's really worth sharing, anyway," which is obviously poison to a man's work ethic. I'll try to draw more and share stuff when I'm ready.

RE: Stories
I'm working on one somewhat large romance story right now, and experimenting with a handful of ideas for fetish stuff although I doubt much will come from them. I've been trying to move away from fetish stuff and I haven't had much free time lately, so don't hold your breath. It's ready when it's ready.

Deleted Drawings


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  • Link

    Nothing wrong with a seemingly bad start since everyone starts that way. Not everything needs to be posted.
    Recently also felt a similar realization of "oh no I'm bad at this" as I've been branching out a lot with writing. Chances are a lot of my early attempts at more proper scripting will never be seen, but at this point I have a feeling it'll be at least decent enough to try it on a project.
    Good luck with the artistic adventuring, and I hope you find the journey fun!

    • Link

      Very true. I've only ever been a viewer of art for a long time, and seeing artists not upload everything made me feel as though they were hiding something. Now that I'm actually more active in creative endeavors, I've realized just how much stuff hits the cutting room floor - and how much stuff is completely unpolished sludge that shouldn't see the light of day.