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Parting ways. by snowhiss

I'm wholly uninterested in continuing to use and recommend this website any longer, because of the allowed content on this platform.

I had not noticed it at first, when I had joined, that there was a sizeable community of people here that I do not like, or want to be associated with.
This is probably because of the tag blocking feature that I had made use of when I initially joined, that allows you to just ignore specific types of artwork. Which is fine, when it's not things that morally do not sit well with you.

I should have realized this when I joined. But I've changed as a person, and I've come to my senses. And I've realized this place is a provider of zoophilic artwork. And I'm not comfortable with inhabiting the same space as "zoo" artists any longer, and will be leaving the platform soon.
Blocking the tags is not a solution for me.

I am not deleting anything. Let this serve as an archive for as long as it stands.

I'm sure none of you actively follow me as a person, this is mostly for people who I have linked here in one way or another.
I've updated my social media on my profile.
I'll be updating you where I share my artwork from now on at a later time.

I would say thank you, to the site itself, for the 8 years of service it provided to me.
You run your website well.
But this.
Has been souring.

Parting ways.


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(No tags)