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Welp, The Die Is Cast by foxgamer01

After the last few weeks of calling, emailing, and applying, my dad has finally found a place we can rent out while the new home is getting built. So the plan to move to the new state, Arkansas (not Alabama, whoops XD; ), is now on the way.

As such, I told my work about it. Of course, I already let them know that I was moving though I didn’t have a timeline until now. As such, with luck, I’ll be transferring to a new Home Depot there. It’ll also be temporary because the new home will be too far to drive to (there is another near the soon to be built home, which I hoped to be working at, but there weren’t any rental places that were accepting us, so the farther distance one is the one where I’ll be living at).

So, what are my thoughts on the Home Depot that I’m leaving?

Even though I’m a part-timer, it started out well even with working full-time hours for much of the first year there. However, it did calm down when the second year started, so I had more part-time hours. I hoped it’ll still go alright, despite the frustrating points. However, halfway through the second year, the department that I worked at, Online Fulfillment Associate, lost a few longstanding and excellent associates for various reasons that I won’t get into detail here. Just know that, since then, the department has been hanging by a thread.

I’m honestly expecting that it’ll fall apart when I’m gone.

As such, I’ve been stressed out for quite a while now, with the moving plan not helping. I’m hoping that the other Home Depot will be better, along with the new home. Heck, my dad is planning a family project to build a writing shack to hopefully write without distractions, which has been the fundamental issue of writing at home.

In any case, wish me luck and prayers that it’ll be alright.

Welp, The Die Is Cast


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    All the best for the move ahead! It sure sounds like you've had a tiring and rough time until now, and I imagine that'll likely continue until you can settle into your new family home.

    It's progress though, and congratulations on that!