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🌱 Pokemon Legends- Im having Fun by Uluri

<u< I got Legends yesterday, and I am having a lot of fun with it. From the first minute I pressed play on this I was absolutely amused. 

Gameplay: I'm still in the begining, ut I REALLY enjoy this way more than any other pokemon game. I absolutely love that I can move in battle as the trainer. ANd like... literally run away. ANd I really like that I can bring my pokemon out at any time. There is a bit of clunkiness on running/movement that is reminicient to when I played dark cloud, which is kinda weird to me in a game from today. The sadly put the trigger on the same side as Camera, but luckily also have motion sensitivity feature so that it doesn't hurt my arm/wrist. The option for that is nice, as using the camera when throwing pokeballs was something I couldn't do, and went for a strife method before I figured out I could point my paddle. Also, I really do enjoy the changes to combat in this. It is a lot more free. 

Graphics: Ps2 era, which is def not great. They could have worked on this more. There really isn't much to say other than they did not do the greatest job in this department. It's like they had only two guys in graphics departments and stationed twenty into story building. 

STory/Engagement: I am wholey enjoying playing the along the story of this game so far. From the very first minute of the game it had my attention. The STory is very interesting to me. I will avoiding saying too much here.

Theme of The Game/ Plot (very slight spoiler)
This Game is an isekai series like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon!!!!! You learn this in the first minute, and I won't tell you any more than this. ((Isekai: Brought to another world))

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🌱 Pokemon Legends- Im having Fun


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    I wondered about the movement part of it--3-D games like this are always iffy on me with the whole camera deal, especially. when you have to rely on targeting things.

    I hope to get this game soon, but I'm outta money until payday.........I did look stuff up on it--like mostly the "new" olden-times Pokemon and saw that Dialga and Palkia now have Origin Formes--but I think that may have been a given, looking at how Legendaries get "upgraded" in their subsequent appearances in games and Giratina already had an Origin Forme. I also saw that now you can see Shiny Pokemon in the fields--which I think will be great for Shiny Hunters--which I felt should have been the norm since the day we could see Pokemon in the fields. (I mean, logically, it makes no sense a normal colored Pokemon wandering in the grass is suddenly Shiny in battle--if it's Shiny, it should be Shiny wandering in the grass!)

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      I caught a shiny starly!! It was the second one that appeared!!! It shines as it spawns in and looks it's shiny.

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        I think that having visual Shinies are the best new game mechanic they ever made! :)

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      They have already calculated the shiny rate, you can do things to get more "rolls" for it to be shiny:

      • 1 default chance
      • +1 research lvl 10
      • +2 completed research
      • +3 shiny charm
      • +25 mass outbreak

      Sum them up and divide with 4096, and that is your shiny chance for that pokemon. Even the outbreak alone bring it down to 1/158~

      So shiny hunters manually save (autosave off) in city and hope for outbreak report at the gate, and reset if no shiny (I don't know if there are more steps to it, this is from chat trying to explain it to a streamer xD poor fella)

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        Yeah, but it never really works for me and I’m the type to do all this stuff. I tell my friend that I have cursed games! XD I actually spend hours in the fields, leveling up and stuff—Sword/Shield made chaining easier, but I never got any Shinies in the field……and only two by breeding.

        I think being able to legit see a Shiny in the field rewards efforts like this when clearly luck is still a factor no matter what. :)

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    Got it last day too .. played an unhealty amount xD but no regrets .. I love how you have to do more then just catch one pokemon to fill its dex entry.

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      Oh same! I really like the aspect of haing to actually research to fill the dex. I love the theme of this game.