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Suggest Fursuit Poses!! (OLD) by AoiTheDragon

(This journal is outdated! Please visit the new one to leave your suggestions!)

Hey, everyone! It's your dragon pal Aoi here and I thought it would be super fun to let you all suggest poses to me for future fursuit photos! ANYONE can suggest me a pose or prop! Literally anyone! You can suggest anything to me and I'll see if I can pull it off and you'll get a shoutout as well for suggesting when I post the pic with your suggestion! This is just a fun thing I really wanna let others do since it's one of my ways of showing how much I love you all and how much I appreciate you! All I ask is that you keep it SFW only! Have fun suggesting things and it doesn't matter if you've already suggested something. You can suggest as much as you want! And remember, ANYONE can suggest me poses, props, etc. for future fursuit photos!! Have fun coming up with amazing, silly, cute and fun poses for your fluffy dragon pal Aoi <3

Suggest Fursuit Poses!! (OLD)


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    I has a few ideas if that's okay :D
    a friendly group photo with all your friends whether it be with fellow fursuiters or your favourite plushies! ^w^ or perhaps both! who knows :D
    another idea! maybe you could be enjoying your favourite food or drink, you could use fursuit props if you're worried about the mess or perhaps a bottle of your favourite drink :3
    hugs! hugs from a favourite toy or pet or any other good friend ^w^
    maybe you could dance to your favourite song! like a fursuit dance video! :D

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      YAAAAAS!!! Thank you so much for these awesome suggestions!! Since I don't have any friends irl especially not in the fandom, I'll definitely do a group photo with my favorite plushies!! I was also planning on getting food themed props! AAAHH thanks again so much for your awesome suggestions!! I really appreciate it! huuuugs <3

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        aw no problem! ^-^
        yeahh same here, I wanna make more local friends irl but I'm too shy QwQ I especially would love to meet fellow furries and fursuiters! it sounds like alot of fun ^w^ i also hope to go to furry conventions someday!
        I'll see if i can suggest more fun ideas when i come up with any :3

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          Nice! I hope to be able to go to a con as well one day! And yeah, would love to hear any other ideas you might have! <3