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The Scrapped Stories Of Background by Pinkolol16

So to not bore you with the details, here's how most of my timeline went.
To be honest, when Splatoon was at its high, the first one, I went and screencapped a bunch of characters from the promo material as I very much liked the style and wanted to elaborate on these characters, turning the E3 promo or early footage promo into a backstory of sorts since the squid research lab likes to insert itself as an in-universe stature rather than as 'just' a marketing stunt

considering how little things like the artworks or the concerts or even nogami's beta presentation play into the lore of the franchise this was sort of the idea I was trying to aim for with my stories.

but as it's gone on.... it's become a little unfeasible.

Not every character will be scrapped nor every story. The major characters with the most depth will remain, because those character's stories intertwine too much with the types of stories that I want to tell, and some of these guys could very well be NPCs. I also have a script for a story where their NPC status could be rewarded. But in terms of elaborating upon them... well you're gonna get that here and then I'm done.

This is why I haven't really been posting the Helen/Serena story, because while that could play a part in the story in the future I believe I want to do so in a different manner.

I'll link to images of the characters, elaborate what I wanted to do but couldn't, and why these characters are essentially scrapped.

A lot of the time, it was simply because I love Splatoon's artstyle. The promo inklings looked amazing. So I wanted to make them part of the universe, but there's not much to elaborate beyond small details.

So here's a link to my pastebin, which'll link to the pastes regarding these characters in the story. Not all the characters will be here. But most will, along with the 'story' they were attached to. Best written as a synopsis, and description, rather than out in script form.

As of this writing, only 3 groups have their plans there, but more will be added over time.

The Scrapped Stories Of Background


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