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Back home! Update on the power/water outage!!! by StogieGoat

Hello all!  
So, I wanted to keep you folks posted on what's been going on since my last update. As I’ve already mentioned, me and my wife needed to evacuate our home to seek shelter with heating. We were out of the apartment for about 3 and half days...Good news is, power came back up in the apartment this morning and it’s now once again at a reasonable temperature. We still have it set a few degrees lower than normal, per request of the power company, to help reduce the load. Now, more good news, I have internet access as well. Bad news, still no water. But that might be restored in the next 48 hours.  
And in addition to all this, I was indeed able to make it out to the grocery store and get us food and drink till the water hopefully gets restored in the next couple of days.   
“When will you get back to work.?”   
-Thaaat depends. I was hoping tomorrow, but now I’m pretty sleep deprived and drained from stress for the last 4 days. So, if I do take a recovery day, then the latest I'll start is Saturday and I will be back working on owed art. But knowing me, and if I am up to it, I'll be back tomorrow XD . But we'll see how I feel.   
Thank you all for your understanding and patience.  

Sincerely from the bottom of my heart.  


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Back home! Update on the power/water outage!!!


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    Glad to hear you made it this far. I know it's hard to work -- any kind of work -- when you're uncomfortable and distracted.