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Pre-Vacation Time~ by NightWolf714

Y'all, I'm so excited!

So work has gotten a bit ... difficult, lately. Our census is pretty high and we've been having some "challenging" patients as of late. I still love it, don't get me wrong, but I'm not gonna lie in that it takes a bit out of you at times. I'm also dealing with a bit of a work issue that's now going through the investigation process on my behalf. Yikes, am I right?

But! I've got a vacation coming up soon. First real chosen-family trip together! I'm super excited about it. And, for once, 2020 is playing in my favor. I'm taking an extra two weeks off work before the trip to make sure I don't accidentally get Covid or whatever before going. XD I had to check with the mate to make sure that would be okay since he handles the finances, but he gave the okay so yay! I don't even know what to do with myself!

Well, not entirely. I am hoping to do some cleaning and/or organizing around the house. And lots more art! And switch my sleep schedule around. Maybe some gaming time. Okay, maybe I do have some ideas on what to do, hehe~

So yeah, kinda-sorta vacation time starts now! :D And if you want art from me, now's probably a pretty good time for it, lol~

Pre-Vacation Time~


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