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ko-fi and more life updates by dudewithgames

so...i guess sorry for slowing down on the drawing guys. i've been partipating in a smash crews battle tournament that my state's hosting. and i guess just in general i've been so stressed out to the point where it's been hard to gather my energy, especially when my current job has been sucking a lot of my energy as of late. so i do appologize.

otherwise i've been manging myself financially pretty i've been trying to support the art community when i can. i unfountually had to get new tires on all 4 wheels of my car, and buy my dad a birthday present which is why i'm...just kind of tight going into my bith month happening next month XD...

man half the year's already gone and 2020 has been quite a shit show least with my other job i've security knowing they'll need me even though i'm putting myself in danger and the fact that people in unemployment are making more then me <_< i currently work at sam's club, and to be honest, i wish i was working at a job more of my field then just retail atm XD....but i guess it is what it is as i'm making do with what i got.

the next freebie raffle will happen on the 27th of july. as i've been partipating in art fight as well! if your interested in checking out my profile it's here: as i'll try to do one once a month or something

i've also finally made a ko-fi as well!...i really don't know how to utulize it XD but if you want another avenue to support me the link is here:

if your a spotify listener as well, i've also made a playlist of just the jams i've been listening too as well. so if your curious what sort of music i listen too go here!:

otherwise that is all. take care you guys!

current commission list:
kanza: robotic tf - flat color (sfw)
ryman: crocodile tf - overlay shading 2 panels (NSFW)

ko-fi and more life updates


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