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Stay Safe by Rezorian

I know, I know, it's been some time since the last journal, but I wanted to check in with folks and wish you all the best. To give you, in some ways, an update with more than just a few words.

Truth be told, the world has been trending downwards and it's up to all of us to try and pull it back up. Governments lie, the Rich abuse and here we are, holding onto one another like flotsam in a raging sea. This isn't some attempt to sound important or stretch my thesaurus. In all honesty: I'm worried. Like most are, I imagine, and watching those in power stumble or outright ignore us hasn't made that feeling falter.

I have never been particularly 'political' during my life. Whether that was because of ignorance or only my privilege, I can't say. Point is that I've hit a tipping point where I can't just sit in this community and pretend nothing else is going on. That was why I mostly avoided saying or posting things in the past that are like this journal. There was that thought, however foolish it is now, that we shouldn't speak of them here. Like they should be pushed down and saved for hushed whispers with friends, fearful of being called out for making 'drama,' rather than really being worried about it like we should be.

Whether it be race, gender, orientation or any other collection of factors, know this: This is a community by and for the marginalized. That is not something up for debate; it is clear as day. It's something that is and should continue to be celebrated, but I am worried that some within this place (not just Weasyl; I mean the fandom as a whole) fear truly being as open as they claim. I have no certain "call-outs" to make here at this time. This is, instead, an observation and a warning to be wary of those that say things should be kept quiet, or never spoken of. Those that have something to hide often use 'community' as a reason to keep things on the lighter side. Do not grant them that levity. They have done nothing to earn it. If there is evidence, present it. If you have accounts of their transgressions, spread them.

Whether it be for money, religion or just ego, Society often ignores us. Family will often ostracize or mock us. We do have each other though. That is something powerful that shouldn't be ignored. Reach out to the ones you trust when you feel down. Love who you love unconditionally, without fear of what others may say. Stay safe, stay humble, but be proud.

Also, if you have the chance, social distance and wash your hands!


P.S. I'll continue to post commissions and such here, but I'm more active on Twitter for sure. Just be 18+ if you follow please. It's a jungle out there~

Stay Safe


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