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Spies in Disguise - movie review by JohnStripedfur

Blue Sky Studios is probably the most unique animation studios there is. It went from a strong start to a couple hits to almost non existent. Blue Sky definitely has potential and they showed it, but they hadn't compete head to head to Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, or even Illumination. They just need better management to get back on focus and it wasn't getting any under 20th Century Fox. And now that it's under the Disney banner, perhaps they'll finally get the focus they need to get back into competition. Though, with this latest movie. I'm not sure if the studio will even last the new year.

Spies in Disguise is one of those family animated movies that has a good premise, but has a very lack of focus. It has no idea which audience is the target. Kids or all ages. The comedy goes from childish to cartoonish. It's hard to watch a few times. Though, there were a few scenes that shows why Blue Sky should be in contention with other big animation studios. There were a couple of heartwarming ones. But, that's about it. And the theme wasn't really focused on either. But, it got together in the end, but that's the only good part.

Overall, this is either a good rental or a matinee at best. Don't spend too much money on this. But, if you have kids who want to see an animated movie in theaters, it's harmless.

Spies in Disguise - movie review


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