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11/9/2019 by cardiajohnscott

We got most everythingn moved in. The new property manager came over the same day so it was a bit of confusion. He suggests getting insulation for the dryer vent pipe and will replace the vent when I get a dryer. He'll trim the trees and clean out the gutter, he says. Went to the Tastee Cup in town. It is supposedly like a Cherry Berry. The place smelled old but it was good. I almost got to store the twin bed somewhere else at a co-workers barn but worried about field mice getting into it. I need to get the extenders and stuff together. Yes, the ATLs are split up now and they're watching us a lot a work now. I got to put the new debit card I got from my bank on my accounts that need it. Ruth, a coworker, gave me a microwave she didn't need. I mean, God bless her. The landlord installed a carbon monoxide alarm. That's good. I put in new furnace filters. They went in a v shape in the top portion. The car wouldn't start again after running fine for the weekend. Then after sitting a day, it was dead. I had to go get a charger/jumpstarter to get it started enough to go down the road. I didn't want to walk with the battery for 14 minutes. I got the health screening done. I had to fast for 12 hours for that. They took everything, even two vials of blood. The health insurance company is sure nosy. But this way I can save money. My blood pressure was good. I am down to a size 34" too and 185lbs. I had to yell at the ATL to take my place though. Geeze. I was looking at what Dave ramsay suggested to do with my benefits. I apparently realized I didn't need so much stuff and I have some things like supplemental already but I was paying for more supplmental life insurance with work. I've been walking to work when it isn't below freezing.



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