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Prototype Synth Eric(a) - Looking for Artists by sirkain

Feel like i want to/need to just get a prototype design made to work on from there art wise. Cause not having luck making any solid decision on how body can/should look, how ones to figure out how to make such a body be modular, etc…
So, can at least list the requirements I want:

  • Body has to be flexible on looking male/masculine, neutral/gender less, or Female/feminine as options. Can mix and match parts if desired.

  • Have some interchangeable parts for the hands/arms at least, to handle stuff like welding and repairing/maintenance on cars/trucks/ships, another for stuff like connecting to various computers and diagnostic ports, perhaps a third standard swap out set designed for weapons.

  • Seen some do this like Talynn/Zafyr, where could attach/swap out synthetic genitals, pretty much whatever size and shape you wanted. I like that kind of option.

  • If possible keep a color pattern similar to how Eric(a)’s fur color currently is? Not sure how doable that is on synthetic bodies.

  • Possible to occasionally wear clothing. For more formal situations or to look less synthetic to most humans/furries.

If there is any artist out there who sees this that either a. Is willing to give this a try or b. Can recommend me someone that's currently open for commissions that's familiar with drawing cybernetic/synthetic stuff please let me know.

Prototype Synth Eric(a) - Looking for Artists


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