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Update to Technical Help Wanted by Dipper

Okay, imagine my surprise when this evening, without warning, my copy of firefox started doing EXACTLY what my friend's was doing. I had not really changed anything that would have affected that, but...

Further inquiries with others who have firefox discovered that theirs did it too.

Then, a breakthrough. If left long enough, the file actually is getting uploaded. In other words, it is, actually, uploading the file, it's just the progress bar that is wonky.

And wasn't wonky this morning when I uploaded to the same site.

This seems to indicate that some automatic update has changed something.

I have contacted Firefox to see if they might know.

Update to Technical Help Wanted


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    Mine isn't doing it. What version of Firefox are you using? I'm using 22.0.

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      22.0. Are you uploading very large files, like mp3 that are close to 10MB?

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        No, but upon checking, my computer is having issues when dealing with large data transfers which causes system wide lag or at least it seems that way to me. For instance, the MMORPGs that I am involved in display the exact same thing you mentioned except they are not being done through browsers. If this is similar to your situation, then this has been caused by a Microsoft Windows Update. (In the meantime, I am running a full system scan right now with Avast.)