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Squee. First follower. xD by Kitsu Karamak

Okay. I've got ONE person and one favorite. That's all I need. I'm content to write for any audience of any size. And away we go...!

Squee. First follower. xD

Kitsu Karamak

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    Thanks as i said your stories are well written and are worth reading

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      Well I certainly appreciate that. :3 It's been suggested to me that I should take down my old drafts from FictionPress, make these re-writes on Weasyl and SoFurry hidden to members only, (or remove them) and write a Novella for "FREE" consumption, then get the main series published, once I build a fanbase on the "free novella" (short novel, about 50-60 thousand words). So... I dunno. Maybe I'll spit out a Novella set in 1999. The twins would still be in the womb, Karla would have just started to master teleportation on objects, but still be practicing on people... could be interesting. Then I can introduce the characters through a streamlined fashion - a teenaged boy with an illegal ability, being chased by the Esoteric Council... I'm thinking about it...

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    you have made my day (year) and put a smile on this grey old muzzel.

    so Thankyou very much

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      I put up what I had for the prequel so far, now I'm going to finish chapter 3 of act1/Book3, and get it posted today. And, again, thank you for reading my material! I appreciate it! :3