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is it over by tomhoshino

someone said "too bad weasyl died" the other day & it made me really sad because i love this site.

i guess i need to be more active (everywhere) for things to start working .....i just want a tite community is that so much to wish for

:C pls everyone lets work together to destroy FA and become best friends

is it over


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    Sadly I've been hearing the same thing recently. U nU I need to be more active as well!

    I'm getting to the point where I just post and lurk, and that's no good if I want Weasyl to become big.

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    I've never personally witnessed a lot of activity on weasyl even tho it's used regularly by some. n lots of artists I know either hang out other galleries like deviantart or the almighty tumblr. Maybe over time activity may increase. post more weasyl exclusive art and you might attract more people here to gander.

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    I'm not so much wanting to overthrow FA, I'm more interested in this site becoming more stable and thriving. It's a tall order thinking a no-name site will try to over take something that has a long amount of years being established.

    Granted, I avoided FA and made this my home as the people running it are more in touch with users than what I've seen from FA. Less drama, etc too.

    So in my view, I want Weasyl to live on, regardless of its comparison to FA. I would love to see this place thrive.

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    Part of why "it died" was the constant insistence by users to "kill FA".