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Concerts? by sinisternoodles

Heyyoo! So okay, like... I have a topic for today! Hmm, concerts. I’m going to one soon and I’m pretty excited! So my question is:

What are your concert experiences?



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    I've never been to one before ;w;
    They sound amazing tho!

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      Ah, that’s okay. ^^
      You should go at least once when ya can! They’re pretty fun IMO

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        i wish.. ;w;

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    I had a really bad experience with one
    Ended up having a sensory overload ;v;

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    Sebby went to one once
    They got scared and had a sensory problem overload and had to leave halfway of Rihanna's concert

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      Aww, sorry to hear that-
      But a Rihanna concert? Man, that does sound a bit interesting :0

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    I went to an ACDC memorial concert, I think it was a memorial concert, where the band played ACDC and were fantastic and I was with good people and had an amazing night!

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    I went to one when I was about 7 and I hated it. I hate lounges noises and flashing lights so it wasn’t great for me. Other than that, I’m a bad kid who plays in concert and marching band. Concert band isn’t too bad. Stand on a stage and play the 3-4 songs that have been shoved into your memory for three months. Marching band is slightly different, but not too much. I play battery percussion, so stand there and play the same songs that are somewhat wired into your brain, but stop and rewind every 5 seconds because the trumpets are too loud.

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      Ah, yeah. Like, I've been going to concerts for a long time. Though I've loved it all. I'm a sucker for loud stuff and flashing lights. So personally it's one of my favorite things in the world. But I get that.
      I've performed on stage like... twice in my life. I had a mental breakdown at the first one, second wasn't as bad tho-