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Disability Denied by Tygerwolfe

Well, I knew it was likely to happen, but it still made me very upset and angry. I was denied for my SSI claim. Going to get a lawyer and try to appeal.

They decided I'm capable of working a simple data entry job. Which is awesome. Except that no one, not even TEMP AGENCIES will hire me. I've tried for the last seven years. NOTHING. No call backs. Lots of outright "You aren't right for our office/the position" statements. Seven. Fucking. Years.

So if no one will hire you, doesn't that make you unhireable? If you can't walk without a cane and severe pain, doesn't that make you disabled? If you can't remember three words in sequence twenty minutes after a person tells them to you, doesn't that mean you have memory problems?

I know - 90% of all SSI claims are denied the first time. They basically determine how badly you need it by whether or not you're willing to appeal and fight the system for it. So I'm going to find myself a Lawyer who'll represent me for a cut off the first check if I'm approved, and try again.

In the mean time, I'm still broke, without any commissions or any source of income. Go me. At least the bills got paid this month, and I'm changing my doctor to one who might actually LISTEN to me instead of sending me all over the place for no reason and threatening me when it's the system that isn't letting me get things done as fast as she wants them done.

I'm still open for commissions - and I could really use them. Thank you.

Disability Denied


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