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Nyan! by nightmute

Been busy with work and stuff... Then I was sick a few times, and my allergies/sinuses are killing me in the face... ugh.. We're working summer hours (6am-3:30pm, Mon-Thur, 6am-10am Fri) but this means I have to get up at 4 AM to take care of the animals. I HATE MORNINGS. But I got some delicious coffee to help me, lol. It's all worth it, to get up and pamper some animals. I kinda wish we had more (like more rabbits, turkeys and milking goats). Then we're probably going to be stuck working some overtime.. but.. eh. Monies are always good.

No turkey chicks yet, they should hatch any day now. There's lots of stuff going on here in the farm.. animals everywhere, making more animals. Gardening is going very well, most of everything I'm planting is for the wild birds and our rabbits & guinea pig. They're all so fat and happy!

I haven't been able to draw much lately, though I do doodle on my 3DS from time to time. I hope my Friday clears up and I'll get some peaceful drawing time. :3

If you like Animal Crossing, I recommend this!

It plays the songs from the game that correspond to the time IRL. Very relaxing, oh gosh. I need this in my life 24/7.



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    What sound does a Haida make? Something between a gobble and a woof? C:Galalaloof!

    I hope that when the turkey chicks hatch, everything goes well and they turn out healthy! Also, ffffff, mornings. -.-

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      Ahaha, I would imagine she would! I think she would do a lot of peeping and making guinea pig-style sounds. Maybe even sound like a cute parrot when she talks? I think she would still growl and hiss, though.

      I hope so, too. My friend and I were talking about them, and she was like, "when they hatch, they're going to be like popcorn! Just babies popping out all over!" and I was like "I would run through them like you do when you're a kid and they're a sprinkler." :D