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Where the heck have I been (a rocky start to 2019) by EthanQix

Welp, this has been a bad two months, work wise. Back in December I took 2 weeks to spend the holidays with my family, so i didn't get any work done. The plan was to go back home at the start of January, and get back to work right away.

Let's just say things didn't go according to plan.

I caught a nasty cold when leaving my parents' place, which put me out of commission for a week. Then I got tendinitis in my left shoulder, which left me unable to draw even with the painkillers (seriously nothing like getting stabbing pain when lifting one's arm... or putting one's arm on the desk... or turning in bed).
And when that was over, I and my therapist realized I had been somewhat misdiagnosed for a while. I don't suffer from depression but from anxiety. Good news, right ? Well yeah, we're going to fix things up now, but stopping antidepressants has lead to a nasty case of detox that left me with a persistent feeling of emptiness and no energy for a while. Blargh.

So yeah, that's pretty much the whole of January down the drain, but I'm recovering. Hopefully starting the anxiety meds will be less severe of a speed bump and I'll be able to be productive in February. I need to finish my comms.

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Where the heck have I been (a rocky start to 2019)


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    Hang in there good luck we understand if you gotta focus on you