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New Year Journal by Hukley

Hello everyone

I'm a bit late, but here's my New Year journal with the review of 2018 and the preview of 2019.

2018 surely had its ups and downs. A big up was that I finally was able to start to work and study as special education teacher. I really love the job and I'm looking forward to many more awesome hours. Another awesome event was the visit of Paco Panda here in Switzerland. It was really a great time... with lots of chocolate and cheese. ;3
I also visited Coora and Azshara Kletete in Vienna and Bratislave. I enjoyed every minute of that trip. ^^
A big down in 2018 was my health. In summer I started to feel sick and having breathing problems. After many consultations at many doctors they found a midriff break and not functional parts in my nose. The later one resulted in a surgery before christmas. I have to say that I feel much better now after the surgery. I really hope that everything goes back to normal in 2019 in that regard.

Other than that I'm really looking forward to finally travel to Japan in summer 2019. There will also be improvements in my living situation and of course my studies will keep me busy as well. So quite some stuff ahead but I'm really looking forward to it ^^

I now want to thank you all for the great support throughout the whole year! I really appreciate it and Iā€™m very thankful for it. You guys are awesome!

I wish that 2019 will be a great year for all of us! Stay awesome! :D

Hukley over and out!

New Year Journal


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    This new year will be great, I'm very sure of that.
    It was also a big pleasure to finally met you in person in 2018, it was super great. Thanks for being a really great friend!!