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Being forgetful sucks by Hazel3

Uuuggghhh memory issues makes life so much harder and I wish I can remember things more! >.<

I forget to water plants, I forget to respond to messages when I was gonna reply later (I hoard notifications/inbox so I can try remind myself), I lose track of the date super easily, I quadruple-check I've got everything I need before I go, I get super worried when I've forgotten or lost something, I can only remember the most unimportant information like song lyrics (mostly LazyTown songs) or the Macarena Dance, I always forget what I'm gonna say 24/7, I open a cupboard or fridge then forget what I needed, I go into a room for something then forget and think "why am I here..?", it takes me more than a month to remember a group of people's names, I open an internet browser tab or an art program then forget what I was gonna do, the list goes on, THE LIST GOES ON, THE LIST GOES ON AND ON AND ON.

Oh gosh, what's also bad is that.. Notes, calendars, diaries aren't enough for me to remember either cos like.. I even forget to check them too! And uh.. I think you can tell I have quiet severe memory issues.. and probably a bit of anxiety... ;w; Sometimes I'm just SO annoyed at myself for forgetting way too much that I feel like facedesking! butthenimightaccidentlypressawrongkeyonthekeyboardthenmessupsoiwontdothatbecauseimsuchabigsoftie... ⋌ ̯ ⋋

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Thanks for reading and sorry for another huge long journal.. ^-^;

Being forgetful sucks



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    I got cactus plants because i forget to watcer them. The only non-cactus I have is a SHamrock because they can visually tell me when they are thirsty. And notes are absolutely so hard to remember at times. Forgetful to the point where your days can sometimes even feel like they're sliding together?

    Heya, I suggest more magnesium. You can eat things like Bananas, nuts, broccoli, and cabbage. Ham and Cabbage soup is pretty good.
    Or maybe getting a bottle of those Magnesium Vitamin jug things. Make sure it's around the 250mg size or smaller so they are easy to swallow. Bigger is flippin impossible.

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      ((Magnesium pill supliments also kinda taste pretty nasty. Heads up on that one.))

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        Ah, thanks for the advice ;w; I actually eat alot of cashew nuts but I usually like to roast and salt them cos nice flavour :3 I'm not sure if that affects the good stuff that's already in.. I roast with olive oil.
        I keep meaning to eat more bananas as I know they're good but I usually like to wait till they're a little spotty cos they're softer and sweeter when they're like that. I don't really enjoy bananas if they have green on them cos it's a bit..unripe to me... ^-^; I also heard that fish helps alot with memory. I like prawns and mackerel and I heard mackerel is realllly healthy.
        Okie dokie, I shall try remember those! Probably ask mum to help me remember again.. ^w^; thanks again :DD

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          Ah yeah, Fish. I forgot to write that. I Can't eat fish, so I forget about it.