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Leaving Weasyl by farorenightclaw

Well, it's been a few years now. I've been on this site for a long time, relatively speaking, and I've made some friends and had some good times and gotten some attention for my art. But not very much. There are a couple of you who comment frequently, and I'm grateful for you, and I get a handful of favorites per upload. But in the long run, it's just not worth it to me to make the effort to keep this place up to date. I have a limited amount of spoons each day and I think I would rather use them to focus on things that give a lot of feedback and produce income (I have gotten maybe 2 or 3 commissions off this site in the entire time I've been here). That may sound callous, but please remember I do this for a living - art is my job, and as a result it needs to produce, well, results.

All this is to say that I'm no longer going to be uploading to Weasyl. I will still hang around to look at other people's art (some of my favorite artists only upload here) and check any future comments or notes, but I'll be looking less regularly and this will no longer be a reliable way to get ahold of me.

I'll be staying on FurAffinity, as well as sharing my art (and rambling thoughts) on Twitter. You can, of course, find my art on my Patreon and I'd be very grateful if you joined me there. I'm haven't been the best at it, but I'm going to try to keep up on my mailing list to announce commission openings, if you want to subscribe to that. I stream nearly every Saturday afternoon/evening on Picarto and you can follow me there to get emails when I go live. So I'm definitely still around, just not here on Weasyl.

Thanks for reading, and I hope yall have a lovely day!

Leaving Weasyl


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    Yeah, I'm having kind of the same experience with Weasyl. I like the site, but it's not very active - I get maybe a handful of responses to each image.

    Which, I mean, I could be more active in going out and browsing and commenting and building a following here too. But there's only so much time in a day.

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      Honestly, I'm lucky if I get ANY response to each upload. Most pics go unremarked upon.

      I'm in the same boat re: building a following. I follow way more people on FA and look at a lot more art there, it just doesn't compare priority-wise.

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    Thanks for giving the site a shot at least! Best of luck moving forward :)

    One way or another, if you're lookin' to boil down the time it takes to post between Twitter and FA, PostyBirb might help you out -- it supports multi-site and bulk posting to gallery, social media, and art archive sites.

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      I've seen people using that, but I haven't tried it out myself. My posts to each platform are different in terms of description etc, so I'm not sure if it would work for me.

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        The program does allow you to customize each site-based description if you'd like while also having a base default one that applies to all the sites you don't wish to customize.

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          At the point that I'm writing a customized description for each site, I might as well just be updating each site individually, yanno?

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    That's a shame. See you elsewhere, then, I suppose!

    I wish Weasyl was more active... It's (in my opinion) better in almost every way than FA.

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      It COULD be better.. but there is so much stuff they say they're going to do, or that they could be doing, that just isn't happening. The site's a bit of a dead-end.

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    Good luck! I'll miss you a lot! Even though we don't talk much, I still consider you a close friend of mine. Good luck on your journey! If you need anything, you know where to find me. ♥ it's a shame were losing such a wonderful person, but none the less, must be done. Love ya!

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    Sorry to hear you're leaving. Best of luck in your future endeavors!

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    Ohhhh we'll miss you. ;0;
    Good luck out there!

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    Have you also tried "SoFurry"?

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      I have an account there, but I've never uploaded. One of the primary reasons I'm leaving Weasyl is that it just doesn't have the traffic FA does, and I suspect I'd have the same problem there.

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        SoFurry, honestly, has much more traffic than Weasyl

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    I've had the same experiences.

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    It's the shame so many people are deciding to leave Weasyl to go back to FA due to the traffick.
    Especially with the whole Nazi and Pedophilia thing going on over there.

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      I dunno about a pedophilia thing, cub porn is banned on FA, I don't think it has any more issues with people trying to slip under the radar than Weasyl does.

      As for Nazis, FA recently updated its ToS to ban that kind of thing, there was a big uproar over it a couple weeks/months ago or whenever it happened (I am bad at time).

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        It is, but the admins do a lot of "grey area" work. They don't enforce tagging, so basically if it's not tagged they'll tell you "oh it's not cub".
        Which is obvious, like...OBVIOUSLY they're not going to tell you "BAN ME". lol
        As for the Nazi thing, they still run a big grey area for that, as many people found out.
        Basically, just post and don't tag, and they let everything fly under the radar.

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    Sorry, don't check her often, so didn't probably give any feedback...

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    Hey it happens man, outside of FA and maybe SF the other sites don't get enough traffic to support anyone. IB caters to a specific crowd, FurryNetwork never got off the ground, weasyl has a low population (Case in point, 337 users online and 2867 users active in the past 24 hours as of posting this. FA's at the same time is 26,700 online and active at the same time.), e621 is a backup repository more than anything else, and the booru's are the same.

    Do whatever you need to do to survive.