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Back from Anthrocon! by Syrae-Universe

So while I was at Pittsburgh to attend Anthrocon, a lot of things has come into perspective. While I've been thinking of these things, I've had a lot of fun. My feet hurt like hell, but it's worth the exercise.

I realized that I need to really spend more time on myself. Not as in do whatever I want, but to focus on myself specifiicaly instead of working on art all the time or spending time with other people. I need to personally spend time with myself. I need to treat myself now and again. I'm always worried about other people, stressing over everything in my life instead of just simply chilling the hell out.

I also realized I really, REALLY miss flying. Like holy shit it's therapeutic to watch the skies at that height. I've flown many times since I was nine months old. I hadn't flown in several years. Sure, I love to drive, but I get tired after so much. I rather just fly and rest after seeing such a beautiful view. I just love traveling in general and being in other places.

Another thing I learned is no matter how much anger or distaste I have of another person being within sights, I can still have a lot of fun and just move on. Sure, I was a pain in the ass, but I moved on and still had some laughs. Especially when having a pair of squeakers in my bra and having fun with all sorts of conversations. I spent a whole lot of time with my friends.

I really need to take breaks from art just so I can be re-motivated and work on my own stuff even. I want to really work on drawing more of my new otter character. I've also adopted a new character that I really want to draw out, too!! I know many people like Syrae, but I want to have other ones, maybe even have others like them too.

I also learned that a lot of my friends are doing patreon. And talking with them, what they view others around them as, really has shown the difference between me and them. I still love them all and they're my buddies.

Another thing is I really miss hanging out with my friends. I don't have that many here around me to spend time with. the only time I do is during cons. Sure, it's short, but sweet moments that makes me appreciate my time being around people I enjoy hanging with.

Most of all... I desperately needed that vacation. Everytime I said I'm going on vacation, I was going to cons, doing commissions and working at the artist alley. I really needed a break. After FWA, I was mentally and physically burned out to where for weeks on end, I would simply not draw or even game. I just wanted to rest. The trip to the con reinvigorated me and helped big time. I guess even artists need a vacation sometimes.

Overall, the con has brought a lot to my attention. I also saw some old friends, made new ones, had lots of laughs, deep meaningful conversations with many. I also got to meet a few people who are fans of my works. I got lots of hugs, pictures and memories to last me for a long time. I didn't really get to do much, but it was worth it.

Now that I'm home again, I'll be getting back to commissions and preparing badges for the next con. Again, thank you for being patient with me until I can get through my mental barriers. And for those who followed me, thanks for watching me!

Back from Anthrocon!


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    I'm glad you had a great time!