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Headed to AC 2018 by INKtiger

Hey guys,
I am heading out to AC shortly. Working on the last of my prep/packing now. Posting will resume when I'm back. I have some great new items for offer at my table, in row D seat 2 this year. I hope you stop by if you'll be attending.
Due to some errors by the staff of my local post office, my ArtShow pieces were mailed out incorrectly and are labeled as "Undeliverable" As this was the Post office's fault they are working with me to try and get the pieces to arrive in time for the show, but the chances are slim that'll actually happen. So I may or may not have some rad new prints and originals up in the AC art-show. It's completely out of my hands at this point but we'll see.
Posts on Patreon have been scheduled a head of time, so if your Supporting me there, you can expect uninterrupted arts.
Cheers guys, and have a good weekend if your at the Con or not!


Headed to AC 2018


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