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BlanketEars Written Information by Art_By_Nicolette

Basic Information:
 BlanketEars (also known as Cuddle-Buddies) are feline like, anthropomorphic creatures, who guide other creatures, and protect them to the best of their abilities. Each BlanketEar has a gem in the center of their foreheads, that grant them the power to orb (teleport), sense when someone is hurting, and the power to heal, as long as the wounds are not too bad, the creature is not too far gone, and the wounds are not self-inflicted. In those cases, the BlanketEar cannot do anything. If a BlanketEar’s forehead gem is broken or cracked, they cannot orb or heal properly. If the gem is too badly damaged, they cannot orb or heal at all. It is possible to fix a broken or cracked gem, but it is a tedious process. If a BlanketEar looses their forehead gem entirerly, they will die.

More About Their Powers, Abilities, And Charges:
Each BlanketEar is assigned a charge (creature they are to stay by and protect and guide) when they are half-grown (eleven to fourteen years of age, or when they reach sexual maturity). Typically, the BlanketEars develop close bonds with their charges, and consider them family. Whenever their charges are in pain or in trouble, the BlanketEars hear a loud ringing in their ears, and they feel an intense headache. Both the ringing and the headache will continue to intensify, until they find and heal their charge. BanketEars can be summoned by their charges, and those close to them, by a simple call of their name. BlanketEars can be assigned more than one charge, but in most cases, they only have one. They stay with their charge for the rest of their life. There are extremely rare exceptions to this, only a few known cases.
BlanketEars can have gems on other places of their bodies, though it is uncommon for them to have more than three gems on their body. Each extra gem grants them an extra power. These powers are vast and the possibilities are almost endless. Gems can be any color, but their are a few colors that grant the BlanketEars powers that no other colors offer. These colors are red, black, and gray. Gems of these colors grant the BlanketEars the ability to create and control fireballs and lightning bolts. These gem colors and powers are very rare. BlanketEars with these abilities have to be very careful how they use these powers and how often they do so. These powers can corrupt a BlanketEar if they are not careful.

Unfortunately, poachers have been trying to harvest the BlanketEars’ gems for years. Which is why they try and keep their identities hidden now, only revealing themselves to those they trust. BlanketEars do a great job of blending in and appearing like an ordinary anthropomorphic cat, fox, or bunny, depending on what ear type they have.

Physical Features And Rarities:
Long, floppy ears are actually more common than cat like ears, which are rare, the rounded ears, similar to a jungle cat’s ears are also rare. Rarest of all ear types, are the big, fox like ears, with the tufts of fur on the tips. All BlanketEars have long, flowing tails that are shaped like blankets. They even use their tails, and ears as well, to stay warm, just like a blanket. In rare cases, a BlanketEar will have more than one tail, or and extra set of ears. Even more rare, is when a BlanketEar has extra body parts, such as wings, horns, knots and spikes; or other mutations, such as forked tongues, colored saliva, double pupils and long fang like teeth. Mutations tend to happen more in BlanketEars who possess fire and lightning powers than other BlanketEars, but it has happened in ones who do not possess such powers.

Reproduction And Gestation:
Female BlanketEars usually have one kit at a time, but in uncommon cases, they can have two, or in rare cases even three, kits at a time. Mothers who have three kits at once, often times experience complications. No known BlanketEars have ever carried more than three kits at once. Gestation takes sixteen weeks.

Feeding Their Young And Breast Variations:
BlanketEars are mammals, and as such, they feed their young with milk, produced in the mothers’ breasts. Female BlanketEars typically have two breasts in the middle of their chests, right under their collar bones, just like humans. However, in uncommon cases, a female BlanketEar can have up to six breasts, in rows of two, going down their chests. Extra nipples are also not unheard of.

Sexual Maturity:
BlanketEars become sexually mature between the ages of eleven and fourteen, similar to humans. There are cases where BlanketEars will become mature at a slightly younger or slightly older age, but it is uncommon. This is the time when a BlanketEar will be assigned their charge.

Gender Based Traits:
Body types vary, but females are typically shorter than males. The average height of a full grown female BlanketEar is between five feet, three inches; and five feet, five inches. Females tend to have wider hips than males, and fluffier tails and ears, as well as slightly longer ears and tails. Their paws are also smaller than males.
Male BlanketEars tend to have broader shoulders than females, and they tend to be taller. Average, full grown, male BlanketEars tend to be between five feet, eleven inches; and six feet, four inches. Males tend to have slightly larger canine teeth than females do, and their ears and tails tend to be slightly shorter. Males also tend to have slightly longer snouts and bigger jaws, as well as bigger paws.

Family, Social Life, And Personality:
BlanketEars have friends and families, just like humans do. Also, like humans, BlanketEars have vast and various personalities. They tend to be very helpful and loving though.

Diet And Foods/Drinks To Avoid:
BlanketEars eat small rodents, rabbits, fish and birds. They will also eat the occasional snake and other small reptiles. BlanketEars also eat lots of fruits and berries. However, they cannot eat coconut. They must be careful while eating peaches and plumbs, as the pits are toxic. Avocados are the same way. They love melon, but must be careful of the rind, as it will make them sick and cause digestive problems. Cherries should also be eaten with care, because their pits are also toxic.

BlanketEars Written Information


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