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Pricecheck on the first! by Zaezar

Howdy! I feel as though this is late coming, but whatever. Those of you that started following me in the last 6 months might not be aware of this, so lemme catch you up to speed. Twice a year I go though my artwork and adjust my prices to be fair and livable for the next six months. However with my current system of journal commissions this is a bit trickier, since I can adjust my prices kinda whenever. So instead I am using this as a chance to review prices and adjust seriously, rather than little things here and there. Also lets me refresh all the examples on there AND my examples on my website

I don't have a ton of work on it quite yet, but what should you expect?

  • Low price stuff should be the same. I like them where they are at.
  • Mid tier stuff might be a little bit higher, or I might round them out to an even number again.
  • Most specials (Animations, for example) should stay about where they are.
  • High end stuff (shaded fullbodies, traditional media, one-offs) might get a bit more expensive. Feels like $30 for a couple hours of work isn't quite worthwhile right now.

Once I am done with this, I should be opening for commissions on the 1st or 2nd. I have not had anything open for over a month now simply because I am busy as all heck between some new releases and stream organization. HOWEVER. I also plan on reorganizing the Patreon a bit. The rewards should stay the same (hey, if those fullbodies are getting more expensive then maybe you should look over at my Patreon for one of them each month). The goals, however are getting a bit redone. Assuming that the current goal says achieved then I have something exciting to announce next month. But the ones past this one feel... like I won't do them, honestly. I am really calling it quits on long-form comic work, so I am going to remove the permanent one a week scheduled comic goal. I think the super end-goal tier is rather entertaining. A final note for the Patreon page is that I am going to be reworking all the artwork on the page. Its been six months, and I am starting to not like it. So lets put more on the plate and get them out of the way!

This is a lot of stuff, most of which probably doesn't apply to most followers of mine. But you know what, I feel the need to mention it for those that it does matter to dammit! Hope you have a lovely day today. See you soon! And apologies about the lack of art this month. Lets fix that, eh <3

Pricecheck on the first!


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