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AnthroCon 2018 Meme by JustNothing4321

Hey! That's right! I'll be attending AnthroCon this year! :D
I know it's early, but I wanted to post this now and get it out of the way. I'll edit this entry when the official 2018 questions get posted (if they're any different).

Where are you staying?
One of the hotels.

What day are you getting there?

How are you traveling?

Who will you be rooming with?
My beloved Husband, Cainocracy. ♥

Who will you be hanging out with?
Other than my Hubby? Hopefully, a couple of people I look forward to meeting at the convention.

How is the best way to find you?
Depends on who you are and why you want to find me.

Are there any panels you might be attending?
There's so many! But I usually plan things out the day I arrive. So I won't know for sure until then.

What do you look like?
Like me.

Are you a fursuiter?
I am. But I will not be bringing my suit with me.

What is your gender?

Relationship Status?

Are you an Artist?
I doodle every once in a blue moon..

Do you have a sketchbook?
Yes. I have many.

Can you draw in my sketchbook?
Sure. Just don't ask me to draw any copyrighted characters.

Attending parties?
Eh… depends. Otherwise, I didn’t really plan on it.

Can I talk to you?
If you want. I don’t have much to say.

Can I hug/snuggle/touch you?
Hugs: Sure, if I know you.
Snuggles: Only if I really know you.

Can I visit your room?

Can I buy you drinks?
If the drinks are yummy, yes.

Can I give you stuff?
That’s not necessary. Unless it’s food.

Are you nice?

If I see you, how should I get your attention?
If we know each other, just call my name.
If not, a tap on the shoulder is fine.

Where will you be most of the time during the convention?
Dunno yet.

What/where will you be eating?
Wherever there’s yummy food and drinks.

Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?
I honestly don’t know how to answer this question..

Can I take your picture?
If I know you, maybe. Otherwise, Hell no.

What's your goal(s) for the con this year?
I want to enjoy myself. Otherwise, I am looking forward to meeting a few people. (:

This is my first (and most likely the only) time I'll be attending this convention. I'm really excited!

~ BoKo (Edited: June 30th, 2018 21:30)

AnthroCon 2018 Meme


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