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Open for Commissions by Sylvian_Greymyst

Hey, everyone!

So, I know not a whole lot of you actually follow me, but that's okay I figure I have to post as many places as I possibly can to actually, y'know, get my name out there! But, I am opening for writing commissions because I'm a broke post-college graduate who is really tired of being absolutely broke. Thus I am going to offer you all the ability to take advantage of my writing talent and in return hopefully give me something resembling a little income!

I've posted my prices here on my profile, and in a little bit I'll post some of my stories over here so that you guys actually know what you're looking at when you're offering me money in return for my writing!

Also, I have to ask you go a bit easy on me if you do commission me, I've never really done this sort of thing before, so I might be a little awkward at first, but don't worry I've got solid talent (or so people keep telling me), and will give you nothing but quality content no matter what!

Anyway, I hope you all are having a good early Spring! And that you all at least give me a chance!


Open for Commissions


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