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An update on stuff, plans for 2018! by Rowedahelicon

Hello everyone! First post of the year, I wanted to do a recap thing of 2017 but I also fell into the "Don't look back!" mindset, I would have just probably bitched about something, such is me.


I wanted to fill you all in on something important, come March, I will be raising my prices! Only a little bit...but lately with the increase in quality of my artwork, I'm finding I am spending more time working on it than I am getting paid to do so. Art has become a job for me given my family life, so I want to keep up at it and improve at it!

The price increases won't be much, just enough to even things out really. I've struggled with raising them for a while as I really don't like the money aspect of everything, but I need it to live sadly.


It's funny I talk about cons right after talking about needing money. I assure you I am wise with my spending! I only do cons that are reasonably close to me, I happen to live in a nice area!

Cons this year--

Anthro New England - Sunday (Doing a panel on being the best that you can be!)
Pine Fur Con - All weekend (Doing a panel on Anxiety management!)
Anthrocon - All weekend (Plans unsure?)
Furpocolypse - All weekend
Midwest Furfest - Maybe????

Other plans

I have a few goals for 2018, one of which is already well underway, but the second is to do more with my artwork this year. I want to design some things! Shirts, buttons, whatever. I don't quite know what yet, but I want to set up some sort of physical presence in the world next.

2017 was all in all, a good year for me, I pushed myself a little more and tried some new things, and this year I intend to push myself even further. I have ideas I want to try, styles I want to play with, so much to do and so little time!

A big thank you to everyone who has ever been around and those who have stuck by me all of these years, I hope to continue doing the best that I can do and improve before your very eyes!

I hope to have something really amazing finished for you all very very soon. But until then, I shall leave for now~


An update on stuff, plans for 2018!


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