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The current state of affairs by Kent-chan

(oops forgot to copypasta this here)
GOD so much has been going on for me that its just kinda a huge whirlwind of stuff so Im gonna try to break it down as best I can;

Life; Had a temp job for a week and had to quit because of the amount of absurd hours they demanded as well as the stress it put on my legs. I came home a few days and just collapsed into a sad puddle from the pain. Im still on a job hunt but will probably be pushing my commission stuff more for now.

Moving; Everythings unpacked and Im officially resettled~ Just a few slight furniture rearrangements and dusting stuff to do. Ive gotten lost driving an embarrassing amount of times in my own hometown already, hm.

Art; Getting back into the swing of drawing and working on a queue again. My new years resolution was to focus more on art stuff so Ill be putting more focus on polishing my stuff and (hopefully) faster drawings in general. Have a few things Ive been working on, and should get them finished up over the next few days!

Podcast; Holy shit, its already 2018. First ep will hopefully be out on friday.

The current state of affairs


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