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Coldheart by Hipster Hystrix

A little bit late like the dew, but really I guess this is a PSA before the nother year jump we all take staying up late on this day (or any ahaha).

3d work and animation has been much more harder for me. Its harder due to my health sitting in a chair all day looking a pc. Im sensitive to migraines, insomnia, and depression. In all being around tech and not active is the most depressive thing. I spent a long time learning about blender, but sadly of all the hundreds I spent on learning it and assets to use: its a program for people to make low quality goods or their own projects or assets.

Something I never have been able to do. I've always been making highly detailed models, figures, sculpts, concepts, designs. And each time I was shown bleached and scaled down simple characters from my teachers using blender it began to imprint the idea I needed to destroy the good work I did, bleach it more and more to make something work. When really destroying my model more and more made everything worse.

Iv'e escaped into better working conditions both in the hobbies I do and in life. Im learning Houdini now, slowly but I'm doing things right and carringly then trying to rush out and show everyone I made something. Been a painful year because in family art and work I've become so much better through the beehive of everything.

I've always wanted to find a teacher to help guide me through being myself but really....thats me. I know one of these years ill snag and paste a tiny fragment of the animation I'm working on on here or another website. But I cant guarantee it will be fast or be taken well. I've noticed a lot of the fandom has been taken over to where people want goods fast, and 3d/animation work on the bigger sites has become fetish asset flipped models. Nothing really anthro or caring, mostly its been a lot of human artwork sadly.

I hope just my one dream will turn against that.


Hipster Hystrix

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    t-these things you're saying they're really sad... but things will always get better! just don't push yourself too hard and remember to have fun! ^^

    you sound very capable of working with 3d software if you don't feel comfortable doing things others ways do it your own wayz!
    and going by your 3d works you've got things handled, they look great!

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      They really are sad with how I was living, destroying things I spent so much time on to try and make better by cutting more off of them, but it was a sharp frozen lemon slice to wake up and see the world through.

      3d takes a lot of energy, its like trying to create life and have viruses be your puppet hands, wonky spiders adding little details, planning, fixing and redoing model work 60% of the time and even then its still not done but it getting there. I kind of need to have a good energy filled day to sit down and home run something.

      Still got a lot to show for the new things im working on. Sadly put those old 3d things on my old bookshelf TLC wise but I feel hopeful ill get farther one day. Need to take care of myself first really, winter isnt the best time to draw....or is it.

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    Sounds like yer tryin' to get yerself back on track, despite things going against ya. Just means yer goin' against the grain, and finding your own path. I was in a similar pickle when I was goin' to animation school.. found myself feeling more depressed by realizing that my life could just end up being 11hrs a day in a dark room sketching on a screen for someone else's ideas and credit.. Getting nothing in return, and not really feeling accomplished.

    So I dropped out a few months into the course once I figured out where I felt I belonged. Yeah, I had a knack for animation, and was at the top of my class for the time I was there, learned the basics and the rest was all about refining the process and learning other animators styles / the history of animation. Yet I realized that the last time I was happy was out at sea, and drawing/animating has always been more of a personal hobby, not a job for me. I luckily got my money back with no trouble, and now it's goin' towards schooling to get my bridge watch certificate so I can work on ships.

    Sometimes it'll take time to see where should go, than where you want to go, but you seem to be on the right path, mate. Take things in strides, there's no rush. I wish you the best in your field and that you can find a path that fits you and your work~