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Oh yeah, I am going to MFF next week! by Zaezar

TOTALLY FORGOT TO MENTION THIS EARLIER. Which is funny because I have been spending all month stressing and preparing for it. And I am still not feeling ready! Next week is Midwest FurFest in Chicago. My goal this year is to have an artist alley table at least one of the days. That and get pizza. I may have issues with gluten but I will ALWAYS suffer for my pizza. That's getting off on a tangent. I hope to see you around! It will spend 90% of my time on the con floor doing con floor stuffs or going to panels. If you see me around, don't be afraid to say hi :D

Naturally that weekend will be a bit quiet around here. With me being two states over and whatnot. Knowing me I won't end up posting a journal saying I am gone. So for the weekend of the 1st consider me out of contact! Enjoy yourself around here. Be nice!

Oh yeah, I am going to MFF next week!


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    I hope you have tons of fun and good luck! :D

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    I wish i could go but i dont even have a way there.or money