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Extra Life Plans by Joat

The Broad Details

  • The stream itself shall be at The mature warning is basically just so I and my audience can use dirty jokes as desired without having to worry, though I tend to use them sparingly.
  • The stream will start at 9:00AM central. It will end at 8AM (DST ends during the marathon).
  • The link to donate is here.

Game (literally) Plan

This is not carved in stone, but the games being strongly considered are:

  • RPG Maker, the original (for the US, at least) PS1 version.
  • Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest. The simple gameplay will be really good for when I'm practically a zombie at hour 23. Also, there's a twist...
  • Rift. Again, it's fairly simple and easy for my sleep-deprived mind to keep up with.
  • Victor Vran. It's not a fuzzy game, but hey, I love this game. And hopefully if I restart my computer the night before, streaming Victor Vran will work properly this time around.
  • Guncaster. It's a mod for Doom and like games (not Chex Quest, sadly) which allows playing as an overpowered dragon character. It's not great for challenge, but I don't care. Dragon! Now if only I had a mod to let me play as a bird... and no, the elf named after a genus of birds does not count.

Extra Life Plans


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