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I am Guest of Honor for Konsplosion! by Ryngs

I am Guest of Honor for Konsplosion!

How did this happen?!... I was recently made Guest for a Comic Con called Kosplosion.

I am humbled. I was told 2 weeks ago it was a rather bit of a surprise, but was so busy with getting ready for MFM I forgot to post about it. It was rather short notice to, as the Con is September 29 – October 1st. I have never been to this Convention and am not sure what to expect. As a result I am a bit nervous.

They are providing me everything and a dealers table. This is the first time I have been made a Guest out side of the Furry Fandom. I do have to do a panel or two and I am not sure what I am going to talk about. I guess Furry Fandom, and some aspect of Art.

Its been a wild past few months. That is for sure.

I am Guest of Honor for Konsplosion!


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    Well congrats! :)

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      Thank you [Bows]

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    That's awesome.

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      Thanks [Grin]

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    But how did it go?

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      It was an alien experience. I had a bit of culture shock. Its not like a furry con, but I had fun. Not many wanted original art, the average person seemed not want to put me out by making me work. They bought the shit out of my prints tho. I was treated very well. Furry Cons have nothing on Comic/Animie Cons when it comes to the red carpet treatment of GoHs. For me EVERYTHING was paid for. Food, Room, Transportation, and any money I did spend on food was reimbursed. It was a pretty wild ride and I had a good time.

      I posted most of it to my Twitter.