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Furious Typing! by redfoxj

Be Warned! I am a furious typer!

What do I mean by furious typer? Well, you know that click-clack noise you hear sometimes when you visit a place with lots of keyboards and computers and people are working on stuff? That's not them working on stuff. That's me making that click-clack of a keyboard noise SO LOUD it can be heard for miles! My neighbors had to call me several times to cut out the racket.

Even then, I cannot seem to make my keystrokes softer! I wore out too many keyboards by how fast and furious I type. I could be the next Fast and Furious movie with my fingers alone. To give you an idea of how fast I type, I took a test and they rated my speed in miles-per-hour instead of words-per-minute.

I never imagined in high school that I would end up this way. Typing so fast that people get scared when I'm near their keyboards. They hide them from me and insist I use an on-screen keyboard. What's horrible about it is if the on-screen keyboard is touch-enabled, I'm in debt to buy someone a new screen for their device. I make a budget exclusively for that.

Any suggestions on how I can type softer? The cops are getting really annoyed with addressing the noise disturbances.

Furious Typing!


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    I still couldn't make that sound nearly loud enough.

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      You need atomic finger smashes to make that sound. You'll know it once the keyboard starts flinching in pain.