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Anthrocon report by Velantian

First, a big thank you to everyone who showed up to my panel on Saturday.

Anthrocon, as usual, was if not anything else, entertaining.

Rolled into Pittsburgh Thursday afternoon, endured the line that never seemed to move at preregistration.

I got up early on Friday to get my wet plate gear set up at the DLCC. I had a great time of it, almost every plate was a keeper, only two fails (Sorry Origami).

Saturday was my terrible awful day. My panel was at 9 AM so I had to get moving early. I was out of the room with all my gear by 7:30. Pushed my overloaded cart the three and a half blocks from the Renaissance to the Westin and promptly overturned the cart when one of the wheels got trapped in a grate.

Of the hundreds of things that could go wrong at that point there was only one thing that was unrecoverable, yep, damn you Murphy. My bottle of collodion was the only thing that broke. It takes a week to make a new batch so my wet plating was over for the rest of the weekend.

I muddled through the panel as best I could, returned my gear to the hotel and decided to just be a tourist the rest of the con.

This was the first time I actually got to go to a couple of panels, wander the Dealers Den and visit the Art Show. So, not a complete loss. Still I really enjoy the photography and am sorry I didn't get more plates in this year.

Maybe next year.

Anthrocon report


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