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Yeah so by XefeWhiteFlye

I could put stuff here if people wanted, though I honestly doubt anyone here gives a damn worthwhile for me start uploading. It's up to you people. I know most of you are just in it for the faves, and contacting a few people both here and on FA leads to a dead end minus those rare... well I'll be honest, there's only one person I talk to off and on on notes and their very caring.

Everyone has a breakdown here and there, but does anyone honestly care? Nope! No one cares to say anything, no one cares to respond since mostly everyone is so up themselves and better than me to lower themselves to my level, but hey it's truth isn't it?

Here's another lifted from my FA, character confessions, since none of you care and will probably rip off all the crap I paid for:
Xefe - Was used as a template for everything I did during year 10 (or 11 I don't remember) art classes because I couldn't draw anything else. Ever since then I haven't wanted to pick up a pen since I know it'll be shit, so there now people know where it all started.
Del - Made as an attempt to draw a female, only to for the body to be traced off the porn mag and left to vanish (No ones after her so I don't bother anymore - Like anyone's after my characters HA)
Gia - Trying to combine multiple ideas into one, but everyone thinks it's shit so yeah.
Val - Created by I was too shit scared (and still am) to commission Wyntersun for anything involving her Fate Valentine blaziken. Yeah its a truth, not a callout.
Hexus - Was sick of browsing F-List to find decent orc characters to play around with so I made my own one, now he's faded away pretty much.
Xefe as a turian and the entire SSD thing - Was created on a high from Mass Effect Andromeda and will probably remain a constant character, as for the others I'm not sure at this point if anyone's going to give a damn.

Do what you people want, its not like this is going to get a response from anything other than admins

Yeah so


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