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Back in...Beaverskin? by sigmaechoes

Hey there everyone who still remembers me!

I know it's been quite some time since I visited, but I'm slowly beginning to reintegrate myself into the fandom and creative pursuits as my final months at university start winding down.

However, after some soul-searching, I've begun to feel the need for a bit of a hard reset on my creative presence. I continually find that I'm not quite the same person I was when I became a furry all the way back in 2009, and I need to begin separating myself from prior iterations of myself if I really want to feel as if I'm moving forward as much as I actually am.

I'll be starting to rebuild my presence once a few major assignments pass, and I have time to make a few submissions to restart with. While I'm starting to consider having my primary account outside of FA, I do plan on maintaining myself here to at least some degree.

Stay tuned, friends.

And hey, thanks for sticking around, despite my silence.

And as an added note, here are my goals for the week:

This Week's Priorities
1. Have New Icon for Updated Fursona Ready by 4/5/2017. [Completed 4/4]
2. Upload Refsheet Materials for Fursona Ready for Digital Edit by 4/7/2017.
3. Create One Additional, Non-Fursona Related Piece uploaded to FA and Other Art Sites by 4/8/2017.
4. Have Account(s) Fully re-activated and prepared to take on creative orders by 4/8/2017. [Completed 4/5]

I've got a full schedule ahead of me this week, and I can't wait to try and get relevant again. Lol. If you're still out there, and waited to see if I'd show up again, I appreciate your tenacity. I have a lot to learn from you!

Also, this is where I guess I should say that my fursona will now be going by 'Red'. More updates on this version of my character as we go through the week.



Back in...Beaverskin?


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