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I want to be a pilot. by Irbis

When I was 15, I dreamed of being a pilot; I got sick with Trigeminal Neuralgia and there was no way I could qualify for aviating medically. It's been a dream I could not hope to persue for the last 15 years, and I have always regretted that I could not go into the career I wanted.

Recently, that changed. I have been symptom free for ten years and recently got a third class medical certificate. I am going to complete my Private Pilot's Certificate and get an IFR certification as well. That part is on my own dime and I've taken out a small loan to do it.

What I want to do is go to a professional flight school for airline pilots once I have those completed. However, while it's going to cost less than ten thousand to get the private certificate, if I want to get a Commercial Certificate and eventually an Airline Transport Pilot Certificate, it's going to cost a lot more, a whole lot more. The estimated price for such a school is a little over $60'000. I'll be saving a lot of money by not getting support for living expenses or housing during that time. I have a husband who is going to be helping me for that period. I am also saving a lot by going into such a school with the initial certificates completed already. After getting out of a full time training program, I'll be a Commercial Pilot with a Certified Flight Instructor credential. I can then work in aviation to build the time I need to go to an airline.

I am going to do this no matter what, but I'm hoping that I can get some help so that I will not have loans that will take a long time to pay off. If I'm under less financial stress, I hope to pay-it-forward by using my instructor credential to return to my High School, where the Air Force Junior ROTC program that gave me my love of flying is still around. I want to help students in High School earn their wings and learn how great being a pilot is!

I hope to go to such a school in the next few months, once my initial certificates are completed. Any help you are willing to give me in getting to my dream would be appreciated more than you can imagine. There's plenty out there in dire need of charity, but I hope you might have a bit to spare to help make my dreams a reality.

Help spread the word!

I want to be a pilot.


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    Hey, I really hope it works out! ❤

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      Even a little bit makes a difference, but no matter what, I'm gonna be a pilot.

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    ^^ Great to hear the thing you most want to do is possible--I'll be rooting for you (not got the funds to help out this very moment ^^; Will once I get paid this week) and spreading the gofundme link around!

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      Every little bit helps, so thanks a ton! I'll do it no matter what, but if I can reduce the loan costs, that'll make it easier to be free once I'm certificated.

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    As you know, I'm on board with this too. I did earn my PPL in 1992 and in 2002 earned instrument & seaplane ratings. Now I'm working on commercial and instructor certs with aspirations of at least instructing and flying business jets-- not sure I want to go into airline industry but not completely discounting the possibility. I highly recommend working in aviation. I recently took a job as a line service tech for a local FBO that manages business jets. I'm learning lots about the pro side of things plus there's the real potential to start flying as a charter/corporate pilot for them. Good luck in your career and feel free to chat me up any time. I love talking aviation.

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      I am thinking of making a telegram group for aviation furs. Would you want in?

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        You found us! :>

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          I literally stared at the screen after saying that, realizing that the group probably already existed.